Eco-Tours: See Birds of the World

Travel with Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania

Current trips: Explore Hawk Mountain with ASWP: September 20-22, 2024! Hawk Mountain is famous for its migrating raptors. During this ASWP-led tour, you’ll enjoy an afternoon of birding on Friday and a full day on Saturday to see the many birds flying overheard to their migration destinations. Price includes transportation, all meals, hotel accommodations, and admission fees. Cost: $375 per member and $450 per non member. Learn more and register here. Space is limited.

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Past domestic experiences have included:

South Florida, the Keys and Dry Tortugas; Sky Islands of Southeast Arizona; Colorado, From the Prairies to the Rockies; Rio Grande Valley; Southern California and the Salton Sea; Maine’s Bold Coast; Washington’s Puget Sound and Cascades.

And International experiences have featured:

Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Columbia.

TRIP IS FULL: Tanzania - August 7-20, 2024

Tanzania – August 7-20, 2024 - $7,999 plus airfare. 

Join us for the trip of a lifetime to the eastern African country of Tanzania where we will visit the Ngorongoro crater (World Heritage site), the Great Rift Valley, and of course, the magnificent Serengeti.

There are over 1,100 bird species in Tanzania – many of which will be life birds for you. From sunbirds to ostriches, with flamingos in between, the diversity of species is amazing. Of course, birds are not the only thing we will be looking for. There will be elephants, lions, giraffes, hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, Old World primates, cheetahs, warthogs, wildebeest, leopards, jackals, hyenas, impalas, eland, gazellas, and numerous other antelope species – some in huge numbers.

When not looking at wildlife, we will be visiting local markets, stopping where the Leakeys discovered some of our earliest ancestors, and experiencing a Maasi village. At night, we will be staying at fantastic safari lodges and even doing a bit of “glamping”.

Our travel partners at Holbrook Travel have done a great job of minimizing travel time and helping us put together a trip that you’re sure to enjoy.

For detailed information on this trip, and to reserve your spot, pleasevisit this link . This trip will be limited to 10 guests and slots are sure to go fast. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: jbonner [at]

Some memorable participant experiences have included:

“After hours of searching, Brian located a small group of White-collared Seedeaters for our group of 16 participants at La Laja Ranch”
along the Rio Grande River in Laredo, Texas
“A magnificent Mangrove Cuckoo perched atop a Black Mangrove”
Key Largo, Florida
“Nesting Atlantic Puffins carrying mouthfuls of herring into their burrows on Machias Seal Island”
Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada
“An adult female Coyote returning to her den of pups”
Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, CO
“The thunderous roar of the morning flight of Snow Geese at Bosque Del Apache NWR”
San Antonio, NM
“The exhilaration of seeing a Great Gray Owl perched on a snag in Sax Zim Bog”
“Waves crashing against the bow of the boat as we watch thousands of Sooty Shearwaters, a dozen Black-footed Albatross, and even a South Polar Skua”
Pacific Ocean, 60 miles offshore of Monterey, California